New updates on Instagram in October 2021

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Instagram never ceases to amaze us.

While the rest of the world struggles to remain resilient in these difficult economic times, it is wonderful to watch how Instagram is swiftly creating new features and capabilities to address major business challenges and assist users in supporting their favourite companies.

Keeping up with what’s fresh on Instagram may be difficult today more than ever. Almost every week, new Instagram features are introduced.

To assist you in staying up to speed with the newest Instagram upgrades and adapting your company to them, we’ve compiled a list of the most recent updates you may not be aware of or understand how to utilise.

Keep in mind that Instagram’s features are continuously being added and removed (now faster than ever). And we’re sure you want your brand’s account to continue to grow.

So, if you don’t have any of the features we mentioned, don’t panic — they’re on their way!

  • Instagram now includes “swipe-up” buttons for stickers:

Instagram’s swipe function has been replaced with stickers. All users who previously had the ability to utilise this feature and transport the audience from their profiles to websites will now be able to do so with stickers. Additionally, creators/brands may now utilise multiple sticker designs and sizes, as well as position the sticker link wherever they like on their narrative. Furthermore, users may submit replies to articles with linked stickers in the same way that they do on any other story, which was not allowed with the swipe-up link.

  • Instagram is working on a new feature called ‘Montage’: 

A new Instagram feature that is still in the works should allow users to convert their stories into Instagram reels. The “montage” feature is currently being evaluated internally, but its main aim is to assist users in creating reels by merging pieces from Instagram stories’ frames.

  • A new “audio” option has been added to help you find reels that feature your music:

In the Instagram app, a new audio tab has surfaced. Users may search for reels songs by selecting the audio option. When users try to swipe and search for a song, Instagram, like other music applications, will offer them a selection of tracks with the same name. When users click on one of the tracks, Instagram displays a 30-second sequence and loops of that song. Furthermore, users may store the tracks for later use or utilise the “use audio” option to make a reel right immediately.

  • Instagram tests advertisements in its Shop tab:

The previous year and the COVID-19 were both tragedies. So, here’s some exciting news for eCommerce and small companies! Instagram is developing a new feature that will allow businesses to place advertisements under the shopping tab. The advertisements can be shown as a single picture or as a carousel, and they will, of course, be shoppable. Users who click on the advertisements will be taken to the product page, where they may learn more about the product they clicked on. Instagram has launched advertising in reals that seem exactly like any other real, with the exception of a sponsored tab on these brief videos.

As you can see, Instagram has just added a slew of new features, ranging from more advanced Story functionalities and more accessible posts to softer versions of blocks. The social media platform is continuously changing, so it’s always a good idea to stay up to date.

And we at The Social Lions can help you do that. With the help of our digital marketing agency, you can always stay up to date with everything that is going on to keep your brand at the forefront of the market. 

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