5 ways to grow your Social Media engagement in 2022
Are you willing to raise your Brand Awareness and have a positive brand association? A good social media presence helps to raise more awareness about

How will the conflict between Russia and Ukraine affect the global economy?
War or any conflict like situation between nations always lead to consequences that hamper the global economy. According to various news reports, the protracted dispute

How does the Metaverse affect Marketing?
Technology evolves at a rapid pace, and marketing is no exception. The metaverse’s emergence is a relatively new development in the new age of technology,

What is Google’s Disapproved Ads Auditor tool?
Have you ever tried to run ads on Google and all of a sudden you get a notice that Google has disapproved of one of

10 Smart Google SEO Tips for 2022
The most challenging aspect of SEO is its adaptability. Every year, Google’s algorithm is tweaked 500-600 times. This assures that at least one update is

How DuckDuckGo, the privacy-focused search engine passes 100 billion searches
DuckDuckGo (abbreviated DDG) is an internet search engine that prioritises privacy and avoiding the filter bubble of tailored search results. DuckDuckGo does not show search