Elon Musk, the co-founder of SpaceX and Tesla, has finally taken control of Twitter. Elon will pay approximately $44 Billion for the social network, with shares valued at $54.20. On April 14, he announced his takeover bid, calling it his ‘best and final offer.’
Elon tweeted that- “Free speech is the bedrock of any functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square where important issues affecting humanity’s future are discussed.” He would also like to make Twitter better than it has ever been by adding new features, opening up the algorithms to increase trust, defeating spambots, and authenticating all humans. He is supercharged to work with the company and the Twitter community to realize that Twitter has enormous potential, on his Twitter account.
Nevertheless, Twitter earlier put in place a “poison pill defence” against the hostile takeover. However, after Elon announced that he had secured funding, the Tesla board entered into negotiations with the co-founder of the company. Elon met privately with several shareholders of the company to acclaim the virtues of his proposal on Friday, according to the Wall Street Journal, and also made video calls to them to press his case.
Elon said earlier today on Twitter that he doesn’t mind even if his worst critics stayed on Twitter. It’s also worth noting that Elon sent out a rather obnoxious tweet about Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates on Saturday, ostensibly in response to Gates shorting Tesla. Enthralled by this statement, more than a million people have liked this tweet. He then bluffed that his tweet was being reviewed by the “shadowban council”.
On the platform, he has been an active supporter of ‘free speech. In the filing to the US SEC, He wrote, that he invested in Twitter as he believes in its potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe, and free speech is a societal imperative for a functioning democracy. He also mentioned that Twitter has extraordinary potential. He will do whatever it takes to unlock it.
Elon has already floated the idea of privatizing Twitter. If the Twitter bid succeeds, an effort will be made to defeat the spam bots, he tweeted recently. Then came another post in which he stated that all humans on the platform should be authenticated.
According to the public demand, It can be confirmed that Twitter has already confirmed that an Edit button will be introduced.
Are you in favour of Elon Musk leading Twitter into what seems to be a great future? Let us know in the comments.