Why is gender neutrality important for brand communication?

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Selecting your target audience is very essential for your brand to decide on the communication strategy to promote your brand, increase your sales or simply create a brand presence. When you create a buyer persona one of the most essential aspects is the demographics. Sex is one of the demographics. But should you restrict your audience to one certain sex, when you 

Gendered marketing limits your targeted audience and isolates a rising number of consumers who prefer non-binary terms, but gender-neutral marketing opens up new options for your consumers, allowing them to view your products and services without any regard to gender. Simply stated, gender-neutral marketing is more diverse and impactful in our developing culture.

According to a study in 2021, half of Gen Z respondents believe binary gender categories are irrelevant, as do 56% of Millennials. This change demands brands evolving alongside their consumers, as well as some soul searching to determine whether current marketing is based on gender stereotypes. 

Here are other reasons that frustrate the consumers about gender segregation in marketing:

The tiresome battle of the sexes

Now must be wondering that it is inevitable to market female hygiene products to only females, right? True. But what about other product segments? Why separate products such as toiletries, games and toys, or even accessories on the basis of gender? 

Marketers have spent several years focusing on which products should be sold to which gender. For example, before becoming hair shampoo, the original shampoo was “used for washing and cleaning carpets and cars.” They later began marketing fruity shampoo for women and musky shampoo for men.

But why is that? Both fruity and non-fruity shampoo and body wash serve the same function: to assist you in cleaning and washing. Sure, there are some chemical changes that help with the little differences in dealing with oils and dirt on the face, but the perfumes added are solely for gender marketing purposes.

Brands have squandered an opportunity by neglecting unique consumer demands and marketing to obsolete characters, leaving money on the table. Businesses have stereotyped and disenfranchised swaths of customers over the years by actively seeking gender labelling and marketing of products across gender boundaries.

Companies would be better off focusing on the product’s function for the user rather than guessing what a guy or a woman thinks about the product itself.

The unnecessary Pink taxes

Brands will not be the only ones to benefit from gender-neutral marketing. Many customers, particularly women, will be able to save money when shopping if businesses abandon gender-specific marketing.

Women are subjected to the so-called pink tax, in which women spend more on average for common things such as razors, haircuts, clothes, shampoo, and cosmetics than men do. According to a study of 1,377 men and women, “women are charged 60% more than men for the same disposable razor brand.”

Women and men already borrow each other’s belongings and don’t object. Brands must notice and capitalise on this consumer experience gap.

Enforcing traditional gender roles over actual needs

Consumers want products that fulfil their needs, not things that push them to match up to established gender norms. 

The age-old norms of separating masculinity from femininity are fading away. Men do not mind purchasing a kiwi lime shampoo instead of a 2-in-1 Fresh Mint Shampoo + Conditioner. Even women are preferring to buy oversized hoodies from the men’s section over those expensive dresses. The people are also acknowledging the existence of other non-binary genders, so marketing any product on the basis of gender is completely unavailing in the modern market.

Therefore, it is necessary for any brand to market its products or services in a gender-neutral manner. What are your thoughts on this? Tell us in the comments section.

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