Why is the Indian version of the TV show Shark Tank so popular among the Indian youth?

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Hello Sharks! We are The Social Lions and we are here to pitch a Blog on why the Indian version of Shark tank is so popular among the Indian youth. 


Does this phrase Hype you up? Let’s get started with the blog.


So what do we find amusing about the reality show, which was inspired by the west and it continues its legacy in India? Here are a few reasons why the Indian Shark Tank might be popular among the Indian youth.



  • Encourages Entrepreneurship



In a country with massive potential, Indians usually don’t take risks since they are bound to play safe and provide for their families. Shows like Shark tank show the journey of the selective brave hearts who took the risk and are willing to take the risk even further by expanding their business with the help of investors aka the sharks. 


These sharks are the founders of businesses that started off with the similar journey as these small time businesses and then earned a massive profit to make them the giants within their industry. This concept inspires the future entrepreneurs to start their own business and aim for maximum profit.



  • Uplifts Local Brands



Local Businesses usually play it safe and don’t make advancements in their business strategy to expand their business. Although, to become big one must think big. The entrepreneurs of these local businesses step into the tank in expectations of investment by selling a certain equity of their businesses to the well experienced sharks and expect huge margins in return by working with these sharks. 


The experience and wisdom of these sharks and the spirit and knowledge of these small-time entrepreneurs is what encourages new entrepreneurs to think big and aim big.



  • Some memes and masala



In a country of 1.3 billion the market is huge. Not just for business but for entertainment as well. When it comes to entertainment it’s not only the soap operas that create the buzz but also the reality shows full of laughter and drama. 


The dramas not only uplift the show’s TRP but also become so trending among the youth that it leads to numerous memes passing around on the internet. A lot of personalities and brands later on use these memes to market themselves on social media.


Thus in the Indian entertainment industry, One man’s drama is another man’s opportunity.



  • Teaches how to pitch



If you ever had a presentation or a viva in school or colleges what would you usually do? Panic? Rote learn your speech? Pray that the professors do not ask counter questions?


The young people who are watching this show can now learn to improve their verbal skills and overcome their stage fright easily. They can practice on the pitch decks and present in front of a crowd without any hesitation. If your upbringing involves growing up with confidence and encouragement, you can overcome your fears at an ease. 


Do you enjoy watching shark tank and want to grow your business too? Join hands with the Social lions and we will market your business and maybe in the future, you can pitch your sales profits with confidence in  front of the sharks.

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