How To Optimize Pinterest For Your Brand’s Digital Marketing

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Do you want to know how to use Pinterest to promote your small business, company, blog, or your next book or product? Pinterest visual marketing is a low-key, self-paced way to reach out to people and spread the word.

Pinterest is entertaining and encourages creativity, but at its core, Pinterest is a marketing platform.  Let’s take a look at some clever ways to market with Pinterest.

What is Pinterest marketing?

Pinterest marketing is a set of tactics that incorporate Pinterest into your company’s larger social media marketing strategy in order to reach new audiences and increase brand and product awareness.

According to Pinterest Business, social media marketers use the platform to: reach a new audience and expand their online presence.

Increase traffic to the company’s website or online store.

Conversions such as newsletter subscriptions, ticket sales, and purchases should be encouraged.

In other words, using Pinterest for business can help your brand reach a large number of people while also earning money.

As of 2021, Pinterest is the 14th largest social network in the world, with 459 million monthly active users.

Here are a few steps to follow to optimise Pinterest for your brand’s digital marketing:

  1. Improving Your Pinterest Profile.

While it only takes a few minutes to create a business profile on Pinterest, that doesn’t mean you should stop there. By looking at your profile, people should be able to get a good idea of what your brand is all about and what kind of content they can expect from you.

So, if you’re going to use Pinterest for business, begin by optimising your profile to accurately represent your brand image.

Among these are the following:

  • Including a distinct company logo in your profile picture and optimising it in accordance with Pinterest’s size guidelines
  • Creating an eye-catching cover photo that reflects the style of your brand
  • Writing a description that accurately defines your brand and what your audience can expect
  • Including your company’s URL
  • To give people a taste of what you have to offer, highlight a few of your best boards as “Featured boards.”

2. Make A Pinterest Marketing Strategy.

Begin by developing a social media strategy for Pinterest, just as you would for any other social media channel — don’t just dive in.

Developing a Pinterest marketing strategy entails:

  • Creating SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound).
  • Discover the general Pinterest audience and the demographic most likely to use this channel.
  • Discovering your brand’s Pinterest target audience.
  • Take a look at what your competitors are doing on this social media platform.
  • Creating a Pinterest-related content calendar and incorporating it into your social media content calendar.

You can start working toward your goals once you’ve established a clear strategy.

3. Using Creative Best Practices To Make Eye-catching Pins.

While creating eye-catching imagery should be an important part of your Pinterest for business content strategy, it can be difficult.

If you want to create more visually appealing pins, make sure you follow Pinterest’s creative best practices.

These Pinterest best practices are as follows:

  • Keeping a 2:3 aspect ratio
  • Including your company’s logo
  • To tell better stories, use text overlay with a concise, targeted copy.
  • Choosing images that demonstrate context – for example, showing a product or service in a lifestyle setting or demonstrating a use case in an action to bring it to life.

4. For Increased Engagement, Publish At The Right Time.

On Pinterest, as with any other social media platform, timing is everything. However, unlike some other extremely fast-moving platforms, such as Instagram, the visual content you’ve worked so hard to create can have a much longer shelf life on Pinterest.

Pinterest is popular for seasonal and occasion-related content, and there are numerous ways to find inspiration for everything from recipes to home decor. According to Pinterest’s seasonal research, many Pinners begin engaging with events months in advance, with summer-themed Pins gaining traction in early spring and winter holiday Pinning starting in June.

5. Optimize Your Pinterest Pins For SEO.

Since Pinterest is a search engine, ensure that your company’s Pins can be found in a search! Keywords should be included in the descriptions of your Pins, on boards, and in hashtags.

Rich Pins, which are intended to pin new content from your company’s website while avoiding duplicate content, will also benefit your brand’s Pinterest SEO.

6. Experiment With Various Pinterest Ads.

Ads are another effective way to market your business on Pinterest. Advertisers on Pinterest can target ads based on keywords, interests, location, age, and other metrics and categories.

Furthermore, detailed audience targeting allows advertisers to reach out to specific groups of Pinterest users, such as:

  • Individuals who have visited your website.
  • Individuals who have interacted with your Pins.
  • Individuals who have interacted with similar content on the platform.
  • A personalised list, such as your newsletter subscribers.

Pinterest offers a variety of ad types, including video ads, collections, and Promoted Pins.

7. Keep Track Of The Metrics.

A successful Pinterest marketing strategy is based on data. In other words, tracking, measuring, and analysing key Pinterest metrics and audience behaviour assists social media managers in determining which content performs best and which content is less engaging.

Creating a Pinterest presence for your company does not have to be difficult. To get the most out of your content, follow the platform’s best practices and keep in mind its unique benefits.

If you’re just getting started, this quick guide should help you find your way.

And, with some practice and data-driven insights, you can discover new ways to optimise your efforts and reap the full Pinterest for brands benefits. The Social Lions, a digital marketing agency in Mumbai, can provide you with additional information and assistance.

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